Diana Mayo

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Wonderful Review from School Library Journal!


Author: Mary Robinette Kowal

Illustrator: Diana Mayo

Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

Pages: 40

Price (Hardcover): $18.99

Publication Date: 04/12/2022

ISBN (Hardcover): 9781250259615

PreS-Gr 1–For the child who has ever wondered what it’s like to live on the moon, this lovely science fiction picture book imagines just that. Molly, her mother, and baby brother Luke are all sent to the moon to live in an underground room. They are limited on what they can bring, so Molly and Luke are each allowed only one toy. Molly ­chooses a stuffed lamb and Luke brings blocks. Molly has a good time creating new toys out of cast offs from other things but when Luke tries to take Molly’s lamb, Molly has to come up with an idea to get her toy back. The message of the story is one of problem-solving and generosity, which works on both the moon and the earth. The artwork is beautifully rendered in mixed media that feels like watercolors splayed across translucent paper, and gives the setting an appropriately ethereal feel. The plot plays with weightlessness, but it’s the author’s note that adds some substance to the setting of the moon, offering some facts about what it would be like to actually live there. VERDICT This is a lovely story with an SEL message and ­opportunities for maker space activities. –Debbie Tanner